Helpful Tips

“ Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait."

Will Rogers


-Things to ask yourself before purchasing a home:

-Do you know where you want to move to? (check out areas around Savannah, GA to see the town homepage)

-Why are you moving?

-How quickly do you need to move?

-What are you looking for in your next home?

-What are things that you want in your next home?

-What are things that you MUST have in your next home?


-Professional marketing brochures that highlight the most important features of your house with pictures of key rooms and exterior spaces

-Maximum lead generation and prospecting

-Targeted email blasts

-Well-timed and ongoing open houses

-Direct mail campaigns that include sending “just listed” postcards to neighboring homes

-Access to our buyer pool (we sell more than 65% of our own listings)

-Focused mail campaigns which include sending marketing packages to people we feel may be specifically interested in a property

-Exposure to corporate-relocation professionals

-Regular updates on neighborhood sales activity.


-Things to ask yourself before selling a home:

-Why are you moving?

-How quickly do you need to move?

-What would happen if your home doesn’t sell?

-How would you rate your home on a scale of 1 to 10?

-What would make it a 10?

-If you’re upgrading, have you built enough equity in your current home to buy your next home?

-Is the market favorable for sellers where you live?

-What aspects of your current neighborhood will you miss?

-Things that can be done to help sell your home:

-Paint and caulk all exterior woodwork, caulk all butt joints and paint the siding. If your home has any stucco, even hard-coat stucco, have it inspected

by a stucco inspector and make any necessary repairs

-Sand and repaint any exterior areas where paint is chipping

-Caulk and seal all windows and door frames

-Clean all the gutters and make sure they are properly aligned so downspouts are flowing freely (this is to avoid flooding), pipe the downspouts ten

inches away from your home

-Have the roof checked and make any necessary repairs, caulk all nail holes and open flashings, replace damaged or missing shingles

-Seal all tub joints

-Replace any leaking faucets, address water deposits

-Seal wood flooring and fix any fractured tiles

-Make sure the paint in each room is neutral, repaint any room that isn’t

-Fully service the furnace and air conditioning system and keep a written report detailing the condition of both

-Replace any worn outlet covers

-Service and clean fireplace flues

-Have the crawlspace inspected for moisture, mold and rodent activity

-Steam clean tile and carpets (replace carpets if they are stained)

-Replace any seriously worn hardwood floor

-Quick and Easy Staging Tips:

-Remove all family photos and other items to depersonalize the home. This will better allow

potential buyers to imagine themselves living there.

-Get rid of clutter.

-Rearrange rooms so each has a useful, distinct purpose.

-Replace dim lighting with bright lights.

-Enhance the curb appeal by cleaning your yard and planting some flowers or shrubs.

-Clear off kitchen and bathroom counters.

-What to do if your appraisal comes in low:

-It is possible for you and the buyer to renegotiate a new, lower purchase price that meets the appraised value.

-The buyer may choose to increase their down payment to meet the new loan-to-value down payment minimums.

-Some lenders can dispute the appraisal; however, it’s 100% based on the lender.

-Depending on the type of loan, the buyer may choose to switch lenders.

-Worse case scenario, if the contract stipulates an appraisal contingency, the buyer will have the right to terminate the contract and have their earnest

money returned.

My Moving Checklist


  1. Collect cartons, gather moving supplies.
  2. Select mover and go over all details of the move.
  3. Begin packing unnecessary items.
  4. Have a yard sale or donate items to a charity.
  5. Plan menus to use up food in the cupboards.
  6. Contact IRS or your accountant regarding tax deductible expenses.


  1. Begin packing.
  2. Notify post office of change of address.
  3. Notify utility companies of changes or disconnections.
  4. Notify newspaper of address change or discontinuation.
  5. Collect and keep important papers handy (medical, etc.)
  6. Save moving receipts.
  7. Make any reservations for lodging.
  8. List important new phone numbers.
  9. If employer helps pay moving expenses, confirm what preparations, if any, you will be required to make.
  10. Decide what goes with you, what to sell and what to give away.
  11. Hold a garage sale or donate items.
  12. Finalize arrangements with your moving company, or make reservations if you’re renting a truck.
  13. Call friends and relatives to let them know when and where you’re moving (and to recruit moving day help if needed).


  1. Clear up outstanding accounts.
  2. Transfer checking and savings accounts and contents of safe deposit box.
  3. Cancel any direct deposit or automatic payment arrangements on bank account that will be closed.
  4. Call the telephone company for assistance in arranging telephone service for your new home.
  5. Arrange for pet travel.
  6. Return/retrieve borrowed items.
  7. Service your car, especially if traveling a distance.
  8. Dispose of flammable liquids such as spray paints, aerosols, solvents and thinners, and gas in yard equipment such as lawn mowers.
  9. If shipping a car, empty gas tank to less than 1/4 of a tank by move day, do not completely empty—mover needs to be able to drive the auto on and off the van.
  10. Renew or transfer prescriptions.


  1. Transfer or close bank account.
  2. Defrost refrigerator.
  3. Tag furniture to identify its location in the new home.
  4. Prepare “survival” package so the family can get along if the moving company is late.
  5. Arrange for new cell phone service.


  1. Set aside moving materials, like tape measure, pocket knife, rope, etc.
  2. Pick up rental truck (if not using a moving company)
  3. Check oil and gas in your car.
  4. Get a good night’s rest.

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